
Tepskart / Delivery


  • Shipping dates are approximate and based on prompt receipt of all necessary information. will make every attempt to meet specified dates but in no event can these dates be guaranteed. Tepskart’s obligation to make shipments on date specified herein shall be subject to force majeure applying to Tepskart’s Sub Suppliers.

  • Delivery of goods to a carrier at’s plant or other loading point shall constitute delivery to Purchaser and any further cost and responsibility thereafter, for claim, delivery, loss or damage including placement and storage at Purchaser’s site, shall be borne by Purchaser, unless otherwise stipulated. reserves the right to make delivery in installments, unless otherwise expressly stipulated herein, all such part shipment to be separately invoiced and paid, for when due per invoice, without regard to subsequent deliveries. Delay in delivery of any shipment shall not relieve the responsibility of the purchaser to pay as agreed and  Purchaser of obligations to accept remaining deliveries.

  • Claim for discrepancies in delivery must be made verbally or otherwise within a day of receipt of material and confirmed in writing to within same day of receipt of shipment and failure to give such notice shall constitute unqualified acceptance and a waiver of all such claims by Purchaser.

  • shall not be liable for any loss or damage as a result of any delay in delivery or installation due to any cause, including, without limitation, an act of Purchaser, embargo, or other governmental act or authority regulation or fire, floods, theft, accident, strike, slowdown, a war, riot, delay in transportation, inability to obtain necessary labour, materials or manufacturing facilities.

  • In the event of any such delay, date of delivery shall be extended for a period equal to time lost by reason of delay.

  • Should incur additional costs because of the inability of Purchaser to accept delivery of materials or to permit normal and unrestricted installation of equipment covered by this offer, such additional costs shall be to the account of the Purchaser.
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